woman looking at hardwood flooring in the store

10 Questions to Ask Before Buying Hardwood Flooring

Hello, friends! Are you thinking about getting new hardwood flooring for your home? That’s a great idea! Hardwood floors look beautiful and can last a long time. But before you start, it’s important to ask the right questions. Here at Walk The Plank Flooring Company in Bakersfield, California, we want to help you make the best choice for your home. Here are some questions to ask before buying and installing new hardwood flooring.

1. What Kind of Hardwood Is Best for My Home?

There are many types of hardwood to choose from. Some popular options are oak, maple, and cherry. Each type of wood has its own look and strength.

  • Oak: Strong and has a classic look.
  • Maple: Light color and very durable.
  • Cherry: Darker and adds a warm touch.

Ask about the different kinds of wood and see which one fits your style and needs.

2. How Much Will It Cost?

Knowing the cost is important. Ask for a detailed estimate. This should include:

  • Cost of the wood: Different woods have different prices.
  • Installation fees: This is the cost to put the flooring in your home.
  • Other costs: Sometimes there are extra costs for things like removing old flooring or moving furniture.

Getting a full estimate helps you plan your budget better.

3. How Long Will It Take to Install?

Installing hardwood floors takes time. Ask how long the whole process will take, from removing the old floor to putting in the new one. This helps you plan your schedule and know when your home will be ready.

4. What Preparation Is Needed?

Before the new floors can go in, you might need to do some prep work. This can include:

  • Removing old flooring: This can be a big job.
  • Clearing the room: You may need to move furniture and other items.
  • Checking the subfloor: The floor under your hardwood needs to be in good shape.

Ask what needs to be done and if you need to do anything before the installation team arrives.

5. What Maintenance Is Required?

Hardwood floors need care to stay beautiful. Ask about how to clean and take care of your new floors. Here are some tips:

  • Regular sweeping or vacuuming: This keeps dirt and dust away.
  • Using the right cleaning products: Some cleaners can damage wood, so ask which ones are safe.
  • Dealing with spills quickly: Wipe up any spills right away to avoid stains.

Knowing how to care for your floors helps them last longer.

6. Are There Any Warranties?

A warranty is a promise that the floors will last a certain amount of time. Ask if there is a warranty and what it covers. This can include things like:

  • Manufacturer’s warranty: This covers the wood itself.
  • Installation warranty: This covers the work done by the installers.

Having a warranty can give you peace of mind in case something goes wrong.

7. How Will Humidity Affect the Floors?

Hardwood can be affected by changes in humidity. This means it can expand or contract depending on how humid it is. Ask how the wood you choose will handle the weather in Bakersfield, California. Here are some tips:

  • Use a humidifier or dehumidifier: This helps keep the humidity level steady.
  • Leave space around the edges: This allows the wood to expand and contract without causing problems.

Understanding how humidity affects your floors can help you take the right steps to protect them.

8. Can I See Samples?

Seeing samples of the wood in your home can help you make a better choice. The lighting and colors in your home can affect how the wood looks. Ask if you can take home some samples to see how they look in your space.

9. What Is the Installation Process Like?

Knowing what to expect during installation can help you prepare. Ask about each step of the process, like:

  • How long each step takes: Knowing this can help you plan.
  • What noise and dust to expect: This can help you get ready for any mess.
  • When you can walk on the floors: Some floors need time to settle before you can use them.

Being prepared for the installation process makes it go more smoothly.

10. Do You Have References or Reviews?

Hearing from other customers can help you feel confident in your choice. Ask for references or look up reviews online. This can give you an idea of what to expect and how happy other customers have been with their new floors.