paint roll with white paint

How to get paint off of wood floors

Whether you are trying to restore an old hardwood floor or remove a paint spill, it can be tricky to get rid of the paint without damaging the wood. Thankfully, there are several ways to safely remove paint from wood floors. Let’s break down on how to get paint off of wood floors.

Using Heat and Solvent Mixture 

The first step is to heat up the paint so that it is easier to remove. Use a blow dryer or heat gun and move it around on top of the paint until it softens. Once softened, use a solvent-dampened cloth to wipe off as much of the paint as possible. Keep in mind that some paints may require more than one application of this method in order to fully remove them. 

Using Sandpaper

Once you have done all you can with heating and solvents, use sandpaper with medium grit (180-220) and gently rub over the painted area in circular motions until all of the paint has been removed. This method should only be used if heating and solvents have not worked because it can cause permanent damage if done incorrectly or too aggressively.  

Using Chemical Strippers

Chemical strippers are very effective at removing stubborn paint from wood floors and other surfaces. However, they should be used with caution as they can cause serious harm to you and your flooring if not handled properly. If using a chemical stripper, wear protective gear (such as rubber gloves, goggles, and a face mask) before beginning work. Apply the stripper according to instructions provided by the manufacturer, then wait for about 15 minutes before scraping off any remaining residue with a putty knife or metal scraper. Make sure to clean up the area according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

No matter how careful we are around our homes, there are always going to be messes that need cleaning up. Fortunately, these tips should help make dealing with pesky paint stains just a little bit easier. So next time you find yourself dealing with an unwanted painting mishap on your beautiful hardwood floors, try out these methods – they just might save your day (and your floors)!