wood flooring and a rug by the front door

How to stop shoes from squeaking on linoleum

If you’ve ever had the unfortunate experience of having your shoes squeak loudly with each step on a linoleum floor, you know just how annoying it can be. Whether you’re at home or at work, the last thing you want is for everyone around you to know exactly where you are every time you take a step. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to silence the squeaky noise and enjoy peace and quiet once again. Here are a few tips on how to stop shoes from squeaking on linoleum flooring.

Invest in Some Talcum Powder

One of the simplest and most effective solutions is to sprinkle some talcum powder into your shoes. The powder will help to absorb any moisture that’s causing the shoes to squeak. Reapply every few days to prevent the squeaking from coming back.

Wear Thick Socks

Another quick fix is to simply wear thick socks with your shoes. The extra layer will help to muffle the sound of the squeaking. This is a great solution if you only need to be quiet for a short period of time. Just be warned that thick socks can make your feet sweat more, so they might not be the best choice if you have to wear them all day long.

Rub Soap on the Soles of Your Shoes 

If you don’t have any talcum powder on hand, another household item that can help is soap. Just rub a bar of soap on the soles of your shoes, and the slippery surface will help to reduce the friction and noise. 

Use Petroleum Jelly

If powder doesn’t seem to be doing the trick, try using petroleum jelly or silicone lubricant. These products will help to lubricate the parts of your shoe that are rubbing together and causing the squeaking noise. Apply a small amount to the inside of each shoe and rub it in until it’s evenly distributed. You may need to reapply these products every few days, but they should help to keep your shoes quiet for longer periods of time.

Use WD-40 

If you have a can of WD-40 laying around, that’s all you need to fix your squeaky shoes. Just spray a small amount onto the bottoms of your shoes and let it dry. The WD-40 will lubricate the areas that are rubbing together and causing the noise, and your shoes will be good as new.

Squeaky shoes on linoleum floors can be incredibly frustrating, but there’s no need to suffer in silence. By following these simple tips, you can restore peace and quiet to your home or workplace in no time at all.